The Secret Everyone in Recovery Should Know...

You can reduce stress, overcome loneliness, and improve your relationships in just 16 minutes a day with this simple practice.

Get FREE Access to The Morning Practice Challenge Now!

In this FREE 14-Day Challenge, you’ll learn how to harness the power of a 5000+ year old discovery that’s been used by yogis, sages, successful entrepreneurs, record-breaking athletes, and world-famous artists, to live a life of excellence.

As Featured In:

A Personal Note From Tommy Rosen

Dear Reader,

Right now millions of people are in recovery from addiction, and even though they’ve done the hard work of taking the leap into sobriety, so many of them still feel miserable.

I know this because I’ve experienced it first hand. In my early 20’s, I was addicted to drugs and alcohol so severely that I couldn’t let it go without help. I went to treatment, got sober for a year, relapsed, and then got sober for the final time on June 23, 1991.

The 12 Steps saved my life and gave me a solid foundation for recovery, but then I experienced something that all people in recovery experience…

I discovered that drugs and alcohol were not the real problem, they were just my way of masking my real issues. As it turns out, the true roots of my discomfort were things like codependency, loneliness, negative thinking, and relationship problems.

morning practice challenge with tommy rosen

After years of searching for the right solution, I was finally set free when I discovered one simple morning practice and began taking a more holistic approach to my recovery. The pain that I was experiencing was transformed into presence, acceptance, connection and joy.

I am convinced that if you take this challenge seriously, commit to just 16 minutes each morning, and do the practice each day for 14 days, you will experience tangible change in your everyday life. (I also believe that if you don’t do this kind of work, it’s virtually impossible to thrive in this world.)

With just 16 minutes a day, you’ll quickly begin to reduce stress, gain calmness, think more clearly, overcome loneliness, and as a result, you’ll watch your relationships begin to transform.

These things are available to anyone, and this 14-Day Morning Practice Challenge will show you how to get there.

With Love and Gratitude,

Tommy Rosen
Recovery 2.0
The Path of Discovery

Morning Practice Testimonials

Take Your Recovery to the Next Level with The 14-Day Morning Practice Challenge!

Enter your name and email address to start today with FREE instant access to the Morning Practice Challenge!

Why This Challenge Is For You

Have you ever caught yourself thinking,

“I’m sober now… Why do I still feel so miserable?”


“I did the work and got sober. What should I do now?…”

If so, this challenge was made for you. The Morning Practice Challenge is designed specifically for people who have done the work of getting sober, are in recovery, and are ready for something more.

If you’ve ever experienced…
morning practice challenge yoga and recovery

Then you’re experiencing thought patterns and feelings that directly affect the quality of your everyday life. The good news is, with just 16 minutes a day, you can begin to change these patterns and radically improve your everyday life.


In just two weeks, this challenge will equip you with the tools you need to:
After you’ve learned the art of the Morning Practice, all you have to do is stay consistent. Then the sky’s the limit when it comes to your results. This Morning Practice Challenge is your road map for getting started.

how it works

Step 1: Sign up for access to the Morning Practice Challenge by entering your name and email address below.
Step 2: Soon you’ll receive a confirmation email with login credentials that will give you access to the Morning Practice Challenge. There you can watch your first two videos.
Step 3: You’ll receive an email from Tommy with a link to the video that has been unlocked to accompany that days practice. Simply watch the daily video and then do your practice to experience a powerful transformation!

Reduce Stress, Gain Confidence, and Become a Better You.

Enter your name and email address to get FREE instant access to the Morning Practice Challenge.

What To Expect

Day 1: The First Step

Get on the Path of Discovery

Discovering and realizing your true potential begins here. Day 1 will introduce you to the ancient morning practice that has been used by wise and wildly successful people over many, many years to harness their inner power and connect with their true self.

Day 2: Steadiness and Letting Go

Create Steadiness, Build Strength, and Gain Momentum

The Day 2 practice will show you how to let go of old ways of thinking and old routines, which will allow for something new to take place. By engaging each day in this practice, you create steadiness, strength, and momentum, which pave the way for transformation.

Day  3: Radio Recovery

Tune Yourself to a More Positive Frequency

Imagine your mind and body as one big receiver of different frequencies just like a radio. You have the power to choose which radio station you would like to listen to. By waking up and doing your morning practice, you are stepping over to the radio and changing the channel. The Day 3 practice will teach you how to tune yourself to the frequencies you truly desire.

Day 4: The Four Aggravations

Put a Stop to Self-Doubt, Negative Thinking, Resentment and Procrastination

Most people will never know what it is like to live a single day without experiencing The Four Aggravations, but with this morning practice, you will. The Day 4 practice will show you how to overcome self-doubt, negative thinking, procrastination, and resentment.

Day 5: Alone vs. Lonely

Overcome Feelings of Loneliness

Loneliness is something that most humans experience from time to time. However, the more we fight being alone, the lonelier we become. The Day 5 practice will give you everything you need to heal feelings of loneliness and begin truly enjoying time with yourself once and for all.

Day 6: Core Strength

Build Strength in Your Physical, Spiritual, and Energetic Core

By Day 6, you may realize a newfound strength has been building in your core. On the physical level, you’ve been strengthening the muscles around your front, back and sides. On energetic and spiritual levels, your will, strength, and determination are being cultivated to align with your highest goals. This practice will dive deeper into the power of your core and begin to unlock your full potential.

Day 7: The Law of Reversibility

Keep Moving Forward and Overcome The Law of Reversibility

At this point in the challenge, you may be asking yourself if the Morning Practice really is for you. This experience is called The Law of Reversibility, and it’s the human tendency to bail on a positive habit 7 days into it. The Day 7 practice will give you what you need to overcome The Law of Reversibility so you can continue onward in the path of discovery and reach your full potential. You’ll know exactly what to do if you hear your mind suggesting that you back out.

Day 8: Self Love and Self Forgiveness

Learn to Forgive and Fall in Love With Your True Self

Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them, forgive yourself, and move forward. In doing so, you will show yourself grace and an act of self-love. The Day 8 practice will help you learn to forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, and even make fewer of them. 

Day 9: The Infinite Pharmacy Within

Optimize Your Endocrine System to Feel Balanced, Relaxed, Focused, and Capable

A healthy endocrine system delivers the right drugs in the right amounts to the right places at the right time. One of the gifts of this morning practice is that it brings balance to the endocrine system, which will allow you to feel calm, clear-headed, relaxed, and focused.

Day 10: From Discipline to Devotion

Create New Possibilities by Bringing Love Into Your Practice

From learning to play an instrument to running a half-marathon, achieving anything requires discipline. When discipline is combined with true love, it becomes devotion. Once you have devotion, it becomes easy to do the thing that once required discipline. On Day 10, you’ll create new possibilities by consciously bringing a sense of love into your practice.

Day 11: Consciousness is Contagious

Become Aware of Your Own Energy and the Energy of Those Around You

By Day 11, it will be clear to you that a transformation is taking place. You will be more conscious than when you started. In this practice, you will become aware of how your consciousness and positive energy will impact those you choose to be around, as well as how their energy will impact you.

Day 12: How to Upgrade Your Life

Establish Positive Habits and Bring Everyday Life to a New Level

By Day 12, you will have established a new routine. This routine will become a new habit, and that new habit is an upgrade. This is how positive transformation takes place. Through this practice, you are co-creating the conditions for the life you truly desire.

Day 13: The Power of Words

Use Your Words to Change Your Life

The most powerful thing you have is your words. Using your words, you can uplift or tear down anything, including yourself. You will use the Day 13 practice as a springboard into positive self-talk, which will empower you to do incredible things and live a life of excellence.

Day 14: Getting High

Celebrate the Completion of the Challenge!

By Day 14, you’ll have accomplished something truly amazing. You’ll have started a new habit, created momentum, practiced self-love, and strengthened your core. You’ve completed the challenge! This practice will be used to celebrate the completion of this challenge, bringing on a natural high.

Harness the Power of Your Morning Practice Today.

Enter your name and email address to get instant access to the Morning Practice Challenge and watch your welcome video now!