Dear Reader,
Right now millions of people are in recovery from addiction, and even though they’ve done the hard work of taking the leap into sobriety, so many of them still feel miserable.
I know this because I’ve experienced it first hand. In my early 20’s, I was addicted to drugs and alcohol so severely that I couldn’t let it go without help. I went to treatment, got sober for a year, relapsed, and then got sober for the final time on June 23, 1991.
The 12 Steps saved my life and gave me a solid foundation for recovery, but then I experienced something that all people in recovery experience…
I discovered that drugs and alcohol were not the real problem, they were just my way of masking my real issues. As it turns out, the true roots of my discomfort were things like codependency, loneliness, negative thinking, and relationship problems.